second sky 
Medical Writing and Editing

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Second Sky Medical Writers offers a variety of writing, editing, and design services. 


  • Books

  • Surveillance reports

  • Manuscripts for journal articles

  • Book chapters

  • Slide kits (PowerPoint presentations)    

  • Briefings and white papers

  • User guides

  • Web content 

  • Grant proposals

  • Abstracts

  • Brochures and pamphlets  

Comprehensive content editing and copyediting of written materials, tables, and graphs. Revising health education material for consistency with plain writing and usability standards. Reviewing and editing grant proposals for conformity with specifications in RFAs and RFPs and internal consistency.

  • Reports

  • Manuscripts

  • Masters and Doctoral Theses

  • Grant proposals

  • Slide kits (PowerPoint presentations)

  • Briefing papers

  • White papers

  • Abstracts

  • Brochures and pamphlets

Design and Data Display 
I specialize in organizing and displaying scientific data in tables and graphs simply and effectively, consistent with the principles of information design developed by Edward Tufte and others.

  • Tables

  • Graphs and other illustrations

  • Report covers

  • Simple brochures


Copyright © 2014 by Carol E. Bower. All rights reserved.